Dasin Retail Tr (SGX: CEDU) EC World Reit (SGX: BWCU) Sasseur Reit (SGX: CRPU) CapLand China T (SGX: AU8U) BHG Retail REIT
When we buy REIT, many people only look at the Gearing Ratio and DPU (dividend). Many information provided to us during the REIT earning report and annual report but we overlook it. We trust the management will handle well the REIT, so that we can relax and collect our dividend yearly. They are the experts in the property market. No! We need to check and assess them during their quarterly or semi- annually earning report. We need to check if the REIT is still healthy or debt ridden or badly manage or any other issue. Don’t forget it’s our hard earn money.
EC World REIT is the first Chinese specialised logistics and e-commerce logistics real estate investment trust to be listed on the SGX. IPO with 6 properties in 2016. Brought Wuhan Meiluote in December 2018 and Fuzhou E-Commerce in August 2019.
Below is the timeline how the EC World REIT management handle their debts and loan renewal.
The Facilities were used to refinance all of EC World REIT’s existing onshore and offshore term loans due in 2019, and partially fund the acquisitions of Fuzhou E-Commerce (please refer to the announcement released by EC World REIT dated 10 May 2019) and to finance EC World REIT’s working capital and other general corporate purposes as stated in the announcement titled “Drawdown on loan facilities” which was released on 29 July 2019 and the announcement titled “Further Drawdown On Loan Facilities And Completion Of Acquisitions Of Fuzhou eCommerce” which was released on 8 August 2019. (1st red flag)
Debt maturity profile (as at Dec 2019) (reported on 27 Feb 2020) FY19 Summary
4QFY19 and FY19 blended running interest rate of 4.4% and 4.5% respectively (Including amortized upfront fee, the all-in interest rate for 4QFY19 and FY19 is 5.2% and 5.4% respectively) (Very high interest rate) Successfully refinance IPO loans in July 2019 extending Weighted Average Debt Expiry to 2.6 years.
- RMB975 million onshore
- S$300 million and US$86.8 million offshore
- S$62.7 million RCF (revolving credit facility)
- RMB1,095.0 million onshore
- S$300.0 million and US$86.8 (S$123.6 million)
- S$79.3 million RCF (revolving credit facility)
- RMB1,095.0 million onshore
- S$300.0 million and US$86.8 (S$123.6 million)
- S$79.3 million RCF (revolving credit facility)
- RMB1,095.0 million onshore
- S$305.6 million and US$86.8 (S$118.8 million)
- S$120 million RCF (revolving credit facility)
Back tracking Wuhan Meiluote occupancy rate record: |
Wuhan Meiluote Occupancy rate |
Portfolio Occupancy rate |
Portfolio Occupancy rate should be |
FY2019 |
99.4% |
99.97% |
99.925% (-0.045%) |
1QFY2020 |
93.3% |
99.1% |
98.6% (-0.5%) |
2QFY2020 |
85.0% |
98.7% |
97.56% (-1.15%) |
3QFY2020 |
35.0% |
96.7% |
91.875% (4.825%) |
Fine print: Portfolio occupancy of 96.7% as at 30 September 2020. Including the new lease at Wuhan Meiluote, portfolio occupancy would be 99.0% (3QFY2020) |
[Fine print: In October 2020, the Manager announced that it has successfully leased 22,545 sqm of space at Wuhan Meiluote. Including these leases, occupancy at Wuhan Meiluote would be 81.1%] |
FY2020 |
86.5% (error) |
99.3% |
98.31% (-0.99%) |
1QFY2021 |
81.3% |
99.1% |
97.66% (-1.44%) |
2QFY2021 |
81.3% |
99.1% |
97.66% (-1.44%) |
3QFY2021 |
79.4% |
99% |
97.425% (-1.575%) |
FY2021 |
84.7% |
99.2% |
98.08% (-1.12%) |
1QFY2022 |
78.8% |
98.6% |
96.657% (-1.943%) |
Chongxian Port Logistics 97.8% |
Summary: End of back tracking Wuhan Meiluote occupancy rate, found that management seem prefer to announce higher occupancy rate than exact figure (报大数). In case any one may think that I have calculation problem, kindly check the report yourself. (2nd red flag) |
- Onshore: RMB1,018.0 and RMB77.0 million
- Offshore: S$305.6 million and US$86.8 (S$114.8 million)
- S$85.7 million RCF (revolving credit facility)
- Onshore: RMB1,018.0 and RMB77.0 million
- Offshore: S$305.6 million and US$86.8 (S$114.8 million)
- S$101.7 million RCF (revolving credit facility)
- Onshore: RMB1,018.0 and RMB77.0 million
- Offshore: S$305.6 million and US$86.8 (S$116.7 million)
- S$95.9 million RCF (revolving credit facility)
- Onshore: RMB1,018.0 and RMB77.0 million
- Offshore: S$305.6 million and US$86.8 (S$118.1 million)
- S$107.9 million RCF (revolving credit facility)
- Onshore: RMB1,018.0 and RMB77.0 million
- Offshore: S$305.6 million and US$86.8 (S$118.1 million)
- S$111.9 million RCF (revolving credit facility)
2. New regulations introduced in
August 2020 aimed to de-risking the residential sector resulted in tightening
of credit to property developers.
3. While ECW is not in the
residential property sector, the Manager noted that lenders have become much
more cautious in giving out property related loans, resulting in additional
challenges to the REIT’s refinancing.
4. At this juncture, the Manager expects that the refinancing exercise will be completed prior to the maturity dates of the term loans.
- Onshore:
- Offshore:
- RCF (revolving credit facility):
All these figures are missing!
Compulsory Expropriation of Fu Zhuo Industrial
Ceased income contribution from 1 April 2022
PRC authorities to provide a Compensation Package of RMB108.5 million to be paid in 3 tranches to ECW. Compensation is 92.8% of latest valuation and 26.8% higher than purchase consideration at IPO.
Auditor's Comments of Accounts on 5
April 2022
EC World REIT manager wishes to update
that the refinancing exercise in respect of all of EC World REIT’s onshore and
offshore term loans due in 2022 is in the final stages of negotiation. The
Manager is confident that the refinancing exercise will be completed prior to
the maturity dates of the term loans.